Sunday, July 8, 2007

VTC - PHP Tutorials

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a tool that lets you create dynamic web pages. PHP-enabled web pages are treated just like regular HTML pages and you can create and edit them the same way you normally create regular HTML pages. Virtual Training Company's tutorial is taught by Joshua Mostafa and shows you how to get the most out of using PHP. He begins with the basics and takes you smoothly through all you need to know to use PHP in creating an incredible web site. To start today, just click on one of the topics below.

What is PHP? (01:02)
Data Flow (05:20)
What You'll Need pt. 1 (05:20)
What You'll Need pt. 2 (05:20)
Scripting vs. Viewing (03:08)
Your First Script (02:27)

Absolute Basics
Embedding PHP within HTML (06:00)
Variables (06:22)
Operators (08:55)
More Complex Operators pt. 1 (04:44)
More complex Operators pt. 2 (05:24)

Making Choices
Introducing Conditionals: 'If' and Conditional Operators (05:24)
Logical Operators (06:53)
Using 'Else' and 'Elseif' (06:53)
Multiple Choices: 'Switchcasebreak' (06:53)
The Concise Conditional: '?' : (06:53)

Loops and Control Structures
Repetition: The 'For' Loop (06:53)
'While' and 'Do..While' Loops (06:53)
Get Me Out Of Here! 'Break' and 'Exit' (06:53)

Introduction to Arrays (04:29)
Referencing and Sorting Arrays (09:58)
Associative Arrays pt. 1 (06:27)
Associative Arrays pt. 2 (05:03)
More About Arrays (06:08)
Multidimensional Arrays (09:06)
Joining Arrays and Splitting Strings (04:51)
More String Manipulation (06:57)
Replacing Text Within Strings (02:40)
Introduction to Regular Expressions pt. 1 (05:59)
Introduction to Regular Expressions pt. 2 (06:23)
More About Regular Expressions pt. 1 (05:35)
More About Regular Expressions pt. 2 (04:46)
Replacing Text Using Regular Expressions (02:53)

Querying A Database
Our Sample MySQL Database (04:53)
Connecting to the Database (06:33)
Retrieving Data (06:47)

Interacting With The User
A Simple HTML Form (06:19)
A Simple PHP Search Script. pt. 1 (05:10)
A Simple PHP Search Script. pt. 2 (04:51)
Validating User Input (09:34)
A Search Feature With Dynamic Options pt. 1 (06:05)
A Search Feature With Dynamic Options pt. 2 (05:55)
An HTML Form For User Feedback (07:44)
Adding The Feedback to the Database pt. 1 (04:50)
Adding The Feedback to the Database pt. 2 (05:55)
Validating an Email Address (08:58)
Uploading a File pt. 1 (05:05)
Uploading a File pt. 2 (05:28)

Intermediate Coding Techniques
Reusing Code: Functions pt. 1 (05:53)
Reusing Code: Functions pt. 2 (04:29)
Variable Scope (05:53)
Calling By Value or By Reference (04:51)
Variable Numbers of Arguments (07:31)
Calling Functions Through Variables (02:33)
Recursive Functions (08:12)
Date and Time (06:58)
Using External Code Resources (07:38)
Error Capture: The Graceful Death pt. 1 (05:37)
Error Capture: The Graceful Death pt. 2 (05:55)
Error Capture: Custom Error Handlers pt. 1 (06:27)
Error Capture: Custom Error Handlers pt. 2 (04:44)

Sessions and Users
A Simple Login System (05:35)
Sessions (05:51)
Cookies (04:04)
Logging a User In pt. 1 (09:11)
Logging a User In pt. 2 (06:27)
Logging Out (07:45)
Registering a User pt. 1 (07:18)
Registering a User pt. 2 (04:17)

Classes And Objects (06:20)
Properties and Methods pt. 1 (05:54)
Properties and Methods pt. 2 (04:04)
Constructor Functions (04:14)
Inheritance pt. 1 (04:47)
Inheritance pt. 2 (05:11)
Polymorphism (03:56)
Aggregation pt.1 (06:01)
Aggregation pt. 2 (05:59)

Building a Data-Driven Website
The Project: A Discussion Forum (06:38)
Common Elements pt. 1 (08:04)
Common Elements pt. 2 (04:06)
Adapting the Login Page pt. 1 (08:16)
Adapting the Login Page pt. 2 (05:15)
Adapting the Registration Page (02:09)
View all Threads pt. 1 (08:43)
View all Threads pt. 2 (06:46)
Viewing a Thread pt. 1 (05:52)
Viewing a Thread pt. 2 (04:33)
Making or Editing A Post pt. 1 (05:51)
Making or Editing A Post pt. 2 (06:10)
Deleting a Post or Thread (04:54)

About this Author (04:54)


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