Sunday, July 8, 2007

VTC - Introduction to E-Commerce Training (2 CDs)

This course provides a user with the fundamentals of analyzing, designing and building an E-Commerce website. The course is taught from the viewpoint of a web developer working with a small business client and covers such topics as proposals, contracts, site design, marketing, financial and security considerations, shopping cart technology, billing, order processing, shipping, confirmation and much more. From beginning concepts to final site setup, this course is essential for anyone wanting to build an E-Commerce website. Work Files are included. To begin learning today, simply click on one of the Introduction to E-Commerce lessons.

Welcome and Course Overview
System Requirements / Prerequisites and Caveats (04:46)
Introduction to Callalily and the Sample Site (05:46)

E-commerce Overview
First Generation E-commerce (04:51)
Second Generation E-commerce (04:33)
The Next Generation (04:53)
E-commerce Terminology (04:22)

First Steps With Our Client
The Design and Development Process (05:10)
The Sales Call and First Analysis (06:11)
Detailed Description of the Client Company (05:19)
A Close Look at the Customers (06:11)
Detailed Description of the Products (04:44)
Client Goals Financial Expectations (05:53)
Reviewing the Competition (04:30)

Details From the Client
Past and Future Customer Purchases (03:43)
Customer Expectations of the E-commerce Site (05:06)
Supporting an Internet Sales Channel (05:00)
Supporting Internet Customers (05:15)
Justification and Challenges for E-commerce With This Client (05:16)

Choosing the Type of E-commerce
Hosted Stores (05:07)
Shrink-wrapped E-commerce Plugins (03:49)
Enterprise E-commerce Server Software (03:41)
Custom E-commerce Development (05:06)

Application Programming Language Choices (05:45)
Contracts and Specifications
Specifications: Before or After the Contract? (04:16)
Estimating Timelines for E-commerce Sites (05:54)
Proposal to Callalily (05:18)
Sample Contract and Possible Issues (05:29)
Specifications: Design and Content (05:17)
Specifications: E-commerce Functionality (05:03)

Site Planning and Flow Diagrams
Location, Location, Location (04:23)
Mapping Product Browse and Search (03:32)
Mapping Purchase Flow (04:12)
Site Map and Navigation Elements (03:17)

Colors, Logo, and Look and Feel (05:17)
Home Page Elements and Layout (06:18)
Product Search Results (04:27)
Product Detail View (05:04)
Administration Area Home Page (04:26)
Using Design to Reinforce Credibility (05:34)
Three Comps for Client Review (04:12)

CFML Mock-up
CFML Mock-up: Images (06:29)
CFML Mock-up: CSS Part 1 (05:58)
CFML Mock-up: CSS Part 2 (06:56)
CFML Mock-up CSS Part 3 (04:36)
Header and Footer Files (03:40)

Financial and Security Decisions
Payment Processing Overview (05:45)
Credit Card Options (05:13)
Live Credit Card Processing (03:52)
PayPal (04:05)
Accepting Checks Online (02:49)
Making the Transaction Secure (05:19)
Other Security (03:12)

Sales Tax and S&H Charges
Charging Sales Tax (04:11)
Charging for Shipping (04:53)
Shipping Charge Options (05:52)
Other Shipping Questions (02:26)
Drop Shipping (03:15)
Charging Handling Fees (02:56)

Data Elements and Integration
The Chasm Between Inventory and E-commerce (05:00)
Data in Two Databases (05:42)
Exporting and Importing E-commerce Data (05:59)
Data Storage Requirements (04:40)
Maintaining Records and Proving Sales Approval (04:48)

Data Structure
Choosing the Database (03:55)
Basic Table Schema (05:34)
Reviewing the Products Table (03:38)
Reviewing the Contacts Table (03:00)
Reviewing the Orders Table (03:43)
Reviewing Order_Lines and Order_Shipping (04:03)

Table Relationships (03:03)
Coping With Statelessness (05:09)
Development Methodologies (04:51)
Directory Structure and store.cfm Router (03:25)
Add Item to Cart Part 1 (04:00)
Add Item to Cart Part 2 (02:57)
Add Item to Cart Part 3 (04:01)

Shopping Cart View
Cart Router Template (04:13)
Cart View Part 1 (06:12)
Cart View Part 2 (02:41)
Cart View Part 3 (03:29)
Cart View Part 4 (02:23)
Change, Delete, and Product Detail (03:43)
Add Item Count To Navigation (02:08)

Checkout Billing
Checkout Billing Part 1 (03:16)
Checkout Billing Part 2 (03:08)
Checkout Billing Part 3 (02:42)
Checkout Billing Part 4 (02:22)
Validate Billing Information (04:25)

Checkout Shipping
Checkout Shipping Part 1 (03:09)
Checkout Shipping Part 2 (02:35)
Checkout Shipping Part 3 (02:44)
Validate Shipping and Sales Tax (04:14)

Order Summary
Order Summary Part 1 (02:58)
Order Summary Part 2 (01:59)
Confirm Order (02:22)

Order Processing
Process Payment Part 1 (04:30)
Process Payment Part 2 (02:48)
Finish Processing Part 1 (03:36)
Finish Processing Part 2 (02:00)

Recap and What is Left (04:20)

About the Author (02:13)


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Disc 2:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since e-commerce started being a trend in 1996, all businesses had something new to worry about i.e. the Internet. This also led to the rise of ecommerce development company which together reduced the world to one single market.